22. January 2015


This was a fun project I designed and developed together with Philipp Grünauer during my studies at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in 2015. It was part of the semester thesis in the human computer interaction course of Prof. Dr. Thomas Rist.

The Game

Classic Tic Tac Toe – who doesn’t know it? Besides a 2 player game mode in the widely known classic gameplay it also features an AI mode for one player.

We also got fancy and implemented an advanced mode, that spiced up the gameplay. It featured a four by four game field and some pretty crazy new moves like pushing the opponent’s fields by a field or deleting their occupied fields.


The game logic itself is handled by an Arduino Uno. A Sparkfun Button pad interacts with the Arduino to send inputs and act as a display.

Look at our short feature video we made.